Shirley Village Archive

Derby Mercury - 8 May 1861

BAND OF HOPE— A small Temperance Society having been established in the above village, it has been thought advisable to form a Band of Hope, of the children of Shirley, and of any other village, who may be favourable to the movement. On Wednesday last, May-day, the National School-room Was well filled in the evening, with the parents, friends, and children. The wild flower decorations were completed with garlands of evergreens, woven by the ladies and other friends. Three appropriate banners, constructed at the Vicarage, gave a cheering character to the scene. In the absence of the Rev. E. W. Michell, vicar of Shirley, Mr. Whyman presided at the meeting. The hymn commencing. "Oh that the Lord would guide my ways," was sung, and prayer offered, after which suitable texts of Scripture were read to the children. Mr. Whyman then proceeded to address both parents and children on "The force of habit," illustrating his remarks with facts in his own experience. At the close of the address, the rules of the band were read, and the total abstinence pledge, which also prohibits smoking, was addressed to the young. The sense of the meeting being taken, it was found that parents and friends without a dissentient approved the plan. Fifty-five children, 30 boys and 25 girls, then gave in their names, several being from other villages. Mrs. and Miss Michell, who have assisted in the formation of this hopeful band, were present and have kindly consented to take the oversight of the female members. We wish for this band of little ones a long existence within the pale of sobriety, and that its members may grow up to influence others in the way in which they themselves are being led.

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