Shirley Village Archive

Derby Mercury 10 Jan 1793

SHIRLEY, 2d January, 1793
We whose names are hereunto subscribed, inhabitants of the parish of Shirley, in the County of Derby, considering it to be at all times the constitutional rights of Englishmen to promote, either separately or jointly, but by regular means, the due execution of the law; and conceiving that the present moment calls loudly upon all good citizens to exert the above right against those who disturb society by seditious or treasonable practices.
Sensible also of the advantages which we, and all our fellow citizens derive from that glorious constitution which was established by the wisdom and valour of our ancestors; determined to maintain with our lives and fortune that constitution, together with our rights and liberties which grow out of it. And to transmit the same to our posterity; — and actuated by a steady and affectionate loyalty to our beloved sovereign; but intending no reference to any system of foreign or domestic politics,
Do solemnly declare and resolve,
First, that we will jointly and severally by such means as the law allows and precribes, exert our vigilance and activity, in discovering and bringing to justice all persons who shall, either by publishing or distributing seditious papers or writings, or by engaging in any illegal associations or conspiracies, endeavor to disturb the public peace or excite disaffection to the lawful government of this country.
Secondly, that we will do all in our power to aid and assist the civil magistrate in maintaining the general tranquility; in suppressing all riots and disturbances that may arise within this parish; and bring the authors and promoters thereof to punishment.
Edward Blake
William Morley
John Jackson
Daniel Goodall
William Jackson
Joseph Neal
Samuel Hall
John Miers
William Smith
John Yeamans
Joseph Goodall
Richard Chawner
Joseph Jackson
Thomas Woods
William Gadsby
Gilbert Kniveton
Thomas Strong
John Pegg
William Maskery
Albert Bloodworth
Samuel Dale
John Morley
Edward Blake jun.
John Wibberley
Joshua Caldwell
Robert Goodall
Robert Steeple
William Ford
J. Kniveton
William Hall
William Offelow
George Harris
Sampson Strong
J. Morley
William Greatorex
John Goodall
William Goodall
Richard Goodall
John Offelow
Daniel Simpson
Edward Smith
George Jackson
Joseph Goodall
William Leedham
God save the King.

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