Shirley Village Archive

Leicester Chronicle, May 26, 1827

As Mr. Walker, of Shirley Lodge, was returning from Derby Market, on Friday, about four o'clock in the afternoon, between Brailsford and Langley, his attention was arrested by the cries of a female, of the name of Murfin, who lives in a cottage by the road side. He hastened to her assistance, and found that her child, a boy of about four years old, had fallen into a draw-well. The mother was distracted, and it was most providential that assistance was to hand when the accident took place; for, had she gone into the well without aid, most likely both she and the child would have perished. Mr. Walker promptly procured a ladder, and the child's mother descended into the well, and got the child under her arm; but, owing to her agitation, she slipped off the ladder, and both of them plunged into the water. Mr. Walker then had recourse to the bucket, and with the assitance of another person, who was accidentally passing by, both of them were got out, without receiving any material injury. — Derby Reporter

"Multiple News Items." Leicester Chronicle 26 May 1827. British Library Newspapers. Web. 20 June 2016. URL Gale Document Number: GALE">R3213510825