Shirley Village Archive

White's 1857 Directory of Derbyshire

SHIRLEY parish contains the townships of Shirley, Stydd, and Yeavely; 2,911A. 0R. 8P. of land; rateable value £4,051, and in 1851 had 134 houses, and 659 inhabitants, of whom, 352 were males and 307 females. SHIRLEY, a township and pleasant village, 10 miles N.W. from Derby, and 4½ miles S.E. by S. from Ashbourn, contains 158 2A. 3R. 6P. of land (a strong marl), rateable value, £2,269 13s. 8d., and in 1851 had 74 houses, and 387 inhabitants, of whom, 207 were males and 180 females. Earl Ferrers is lord of the manor and a considerable owner. Fras. Wright, Esq., Rev. Thos. C. Brown, Mrs. Greaves and Messrs. Joseph Wibberley, Wm. Leedham, John Hitchcock, and Thos. Metcalf are also owners. The Church, dedicated to St. Michael, an ancient edifice, contains chancel, side aisles, and tower with three bells; it was thoroughly repaired and the tower taken down, and rebuilt in 1842, at a cost of upwards of £600, raised by subscriptions and grants. The living is a Vicarage, valued in the King’s book at £6 13s. 4d., now £200, has been augmented with £200 benefactions, and £800 parliamentary grant. Earl Ferrers is the patron and impropriator; and the Rev. Eardley Wilmot Michell, B.C.L., Vicar, who resides at the Vicarage, a handsome mansion, a quarter of a mile N.E. from the church with 9 acres of glebe. In the centre aisle of the church is an ancient stone font, and in the churchyard an old stone cross; also a fine yew tree. In the north aisle is a handsome marble Tablet to the Right Rev. W. A. Shirley, Bishop of Sodor and Man, and for some years previous Archdeacon of Derby, and Vicar of this parish. He died April 22nd, 1847. The tithe is commuted for £150. The National school with residence for the teacher, was opened in 1845, it is a neat Gothic building, and is attended by about 45 children, attached to which is a small library for the use of the parishioners. The Primitive Methodists and the New Connexion Methodists have each a chapel here, the former built in 1842, and the latter in 1855. In the Manor House, or Old Hall, the residence of the Shirleys, who settled here in the reign of Henry II, still remains one of the rooms which is wainscotted throughout has the arms of the Ferrers carved in oak over the fire-place. It is nearly surrounded with a moat, and is occupied by Mr. William Goodall, whose family, with the exception of 25 years, have resided in it upwards of 450 years. This manor, Sireli, belonged to Henry de Ferrars. In the reign of Henry II., it was held under that family, by the immediate ancestor of Earl Ferrars, who seating himself here, took the name of Shirley. Soswallo or Sewall, the ancestor, occurs in Domesday, as holding manors (but not Shirley) under superior lords. Sir Thomas Shirley, who died in 1382, was a distinguished military character. His son, Sir Hugh, was slain at the battle of Shrewsbury. Sir Ralph, son of Sir Hugh, was a commander at the battle of Agincourt. Their descendant, Sir George, was created a baronet in 1611; and his great grandson, in 1677, had been declared Lord Ferrers, of Chartley, in virtue of his descent from that noble family, through one of the coheiresses of Deveroux. The Earl of Essex was in 1711 created Viscount Tamworth and Earl Ferrers. The church of Shirley was given to Darley Abbey, by Fletcher de Ireton, and confirmed by James de Sherley, about the year 1230.
CHARITIES. — Edward Pegge gave 20s. yearly to the poor of Shirley, 10s. at Christmas, and 10s. at Easter; also 15s. to the poor of Yeaveley, in the same manner. These sums are paid by the owner of the impropriate rectory of Shirley, to the churchwardens, at Christmas and Easter.
Elizabeth Pegge gave 6s. 8d. to the poor of Shirley, and 3s. 4d. to the poor of Yeavely. These are charged upon a close in Rodsley, in the parish of Longford, the property of Wm. Fearn, and are given with the above.
Robert Goodall gave 12 twopenny loaves to the poor of Shirley township, to be distributed every Christmas-day, and the same number every Easter-day. This is charged on two pieces of land at Kniveton, one called Field-head, and the other Horsley Piece, the property of Mr. Goodale, of Middleton, near Wirksworth.
Edward and Elizabeth Pegge’s Charities, — (see Shirley.) — The yearly sums of 7s. 6d. 7s. 6d., and 3s. 4d., received by the chapel warden, are distributed to the poor of Yeaveley chapelry.
Mr. John Morley, Shirley Brook, gives to the poor of the parish 3d., and a can of milk every Christmas-eve.
Humphrey Calvert’s Charity. — (see Edlaston and Wyaston.)


Adams William, timber merchant
Bailey Charles, builder
Blake William, shopkeeper
Dale Thomas, shoemaker
Dale William, tailor
Derbyshire George, gardener
Gadsby William, blacksmith and manufacturer of chemical manures
Greatorex James, bricklayer
Leedham William, butcher
Maskrey Ann, milliner, &c
Maskrey Joseph, carpenter
Mason Harriet, schoolmistress
Michell Rev. Eardley Wilmot, B.C.L.,.Vicar
Rix William, vict., Saracen’s Head
Steeple Mrs. Sarah
Waring Joseph, brick maker
Wibberley Mrs. Ellen
Wright Thomas, shoemaker
Yeomans Mrs. Elizabeth



Beeston Joseph (and builder)
Blore Hannah; Pit Hay
Bonsall Matthew, Old Vicaraqe
Chadfield Jph., Common
Copestake Thomas, Old Park
Dakin Wm., Old Park
Dale Robert
Gilman William (and corn miller)
Goodall Gilbert
Goodall John
Goodall Wm. Old Hall
Hitchcock John
Hudson William
Litchfield James, Common
Metcalf Thomas
Morley John, Brook
Pegge Joseph, Park
Pegge William
Rix William
Walker Charles, Lodge
Wibberley Joseph, Wormsey
Yeomans John