Shirley Village Archive

Derbyshire Advertiser and Journal - 9 October 1903

On Sunday the harvest thanksgiving services were held at the parish church. Gifts of flowers, vegetables. corn, etc., had been sent by the parishioners, and the efforts of all who assisted in the work of decoration combined to produce a most pleasing result. The services throughout were of a very bright and hearty character, and the musical portion was rendered in a most effective manner by the choir, the anthem being "O give thanks to the Lord" (Swinford Parry) Mr. W. H. Lees, Mus. T.C.L., presided at the organ. The vicar (Rev. W. R. Linton) preached excellent and appropriate sermons, and the congregations were exceptionally good. The offertories were devoted to the Derbyshire Royal Infirmary.
    The evening continuation classes held in the school re-opened on Monday, September 21st, when 33 pupils joined the class. This is a large increase on last year's number. The subjects of instruction are book-keeping and drawing. On Friday evening the first social evening of the season in connection with the above class was held in the schoolroom. There was a good muster, about seventy members of the class and their friends being present. A varied programme of songs, games, and dances was gone through, the music being supplied by friends present. Light refreshments were served at intervals, and altogether a most enjoyable evening was spent.

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