Derbyshire Advertiser and Journal - 7 October 1910
A most successful concert was given in the school, on September 29th. The room was crowded and, and many of the audience had to remain standing the whole time. The concert had been organised by the schoolmaster, Mr. A. Y. Jordan, to help in defraying the expenses connected with recent alterations and additions to the school, and the programme was for the most part carried out by the scholars. Owing to the impending departure of Mr. Jordan from Shirley, the concert had been given at an earlier date than had been at first intended, and only a very short time had been available to train the children in their various parts. Nevertheless, the songs, dialogues and recitations were, without exception, well rendered, some of the items given by the tiny performers of the infant classes being particularly pleasing. The performance of “Beauty and the Beast” was capitally carried out, and the “Nigger Troupe,” with their songs and jokes, were accorded a most enthusiastic reception. In the second half of the programme, the comic songs, in character, given by Mr. Chesire, and a song and monologue by Mr. Fairclough, were vociferously applauded. The last item on the programme was a farce, “Dr. Diaculam,” which created roars of laughter.During the interval the Vicar (Rev. C. H. Owen), announced that he had been requested by the school managers to say a few words concerning the departure of the headmaster, Mr. Jordan, who was leaving Shirley to take up an appointment as headmaster of a larger school at Middleton-
Mr. William Wheeldon heartily endorsed all that Mr. Owen had said, and stated that during the whole time Mr. Jordan had been headmaster at Shirley, there had not been the slightest friction with the managers, and not a single complaint from any of the parents, while excellent reports had always been received from the inspectors. He added that had Mr. Jordan's departure not taken place at such an unfortunate time he felt sure that the presentation would have taken the more substantial form of a purse of money, but as the parish had so recently been canvassed from end to end in aid of the school fund, it was not an opportune moment for making a further general collection, and therefore the managers and a few friends had taken it upon themselves to offer this small proof of their appreciation. In conclusion, he wished Mr. and Mrs. Jordan all success in their new home.
Miss Millward, one off the teachers, then presented Mr. Jordan with an inkstand, on behalf of the teachers and scholars, wishing him every success and happiness.
Mr. Jordan, in returning thanks, modestly disclaimed all praise for anything he had done during his residence in Shirley, and said that though he had often failed at what he aimed at, yet he had at least worked with good intentions, and he was glad to find that his efforts had been appreciated. He assured them he did not need any tangible gift to remind him of Shirley, where he had made many kind friends, and that the three and a half years he had spent there had been one of the happiest periods of his life. The presentation had taken him completely by surprise, and he could not possibly express all he felt, but he asked them to believe that he did most earnestly thank them for all their great kindness, and hoped that they would rally round his successor in the same hearty way which they had been such a help to himself.
Mr. Jordan's speech was received with loud applause, and the audience heartily joined in singing, “For he's a jolly good fellow.”
At the close of the concert Mr. Jordan briefly thanked the audience for their attention during such a lengthy programme. He also wished to express his sincerest thanks to all who had help in any way; to those who had lent costumes or goods; to the teachers and Mrs. F. Goodall for help in dressing the children etc.; to Messrs. Cheshire, Fairclough, Gillman, Kimble and Williamston for their contributions to the programme; to Mr. Tully for plants; and to Mr. Rushton, who very kindly provided cakes for the children before going home. The proceedings closed with the National Anthem.
In connection with Mr. Jordan's departure, it may be added here that in his capacity as organist of the parish church his loss will be also much felt. He is a musician of exceptional ability, having earned the right to use the letters A.T.S.C., Lond., after his name, and though the simple form of service in use at the village church has by no means afforded full scope for his talent, yet he has given the congregation ample opportunity of realising something off the character of true music. Mr. Jordan's ever ready help at all social functions held at the school will also be much missed.