Shirley Village Archive

Derby Mercury - 29 January 1779

THIS is to give NOTICE
To all whom it may concern
THAT the present EARL FERRERS looks upon himself to be the LAND-OWNER of all the ESTATES his brother was in possession of, as entailed upon him by a deed of Settlement, made the 24th of October 1741; and as the Derbyshire Estate was invested in the hands of trustees, by an Act of Parliament, made 1766, and is still in trust;
He therefore gives Notice,
That he does not intend to receive any Rent from the said estate while it is in trust; and that no Receipts for Rent for said Estate, or any other Estates of his, will be good, but such as are signed by the present Earl Ferrers himself.
He further gives Notice
That any one who has dared, or may hereafter dare, cut down any Poles, Wood, or Timber Trees, from off the said Derbyshire Estate, will be dealt with according to the utmost Rigour of the Law, no one, not even the possessor, or Land-Owner, having any right so to do, while the said estate is in trust, which it has been since the year 1766.
N. B. If any of the tenants on Earl Ferrers Estate are seized upon for Rent, they may replevy, and will be supported by the said Earl, at his expense, by applying to the Rev. Mr. Boultbee, at Brailsford, or to his proper agents at Derby.

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