Shirley Village Archive

Derby Mercury 3 Nov 1830

John Fearn, aged 26, was indicted for stealing on the 13th September last, twelve dozen of buttons, and one pair of fustian legs, the property of Messrs. Hall and Goodwin, pawnbrokers.
  On the day in question it appeared prisoner went into the shop of the prosecutors, and asked to look at a pair of second-hand small clothes, and whilst Mr. Goodwin's attention was directed to some other customers, he contrived to effect the alleged robbery.
  Henry Fearn deposed he was a tailor in Friar Gate; that on the day in question prisoner came to his shop and produced a gross of buttons which he asked him to purchase, witness questioned him as to the manner in which he came by them; prisoner said his name was John Fearn, and he came from Shirley, and that his brother had bought the buttons at Derby the preceeding Friday; that they were no use to him, and he wished to sell or exchange them for others more suitable; witness gave a few pearl buttons in exchange. Deeming those received from the prisoner to be stolen, he immediately set about an enquiry. Subsequently delivered over the buttons to Henry Newton, the constable. Newton stated the he apprehended the prisoner, and found upon the his person the fustian gaiters, which he produced in court, with the buttons received from the last witness.— Mr. Goodwin identified the articles as the property of himself and partner. Verdict, Guilty.
   Prisoner was then tried, and found guilty on a charge of stealing (two days after the last mentioned robbery,) ten pound weight of beef the property of John Dunnicliffe, butcher.
  To be transported for the first offence, seven years.

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