Shirley Village Archive

Derbyshire Advertiser and Journal - 4 June 1915

The Osmaston, Yeldersley, Shirley and Wyaston (combined) and Ashbourne Detachments of the West Derbyshire Regiment of Home Guards attended a church parade at Osmaston parish church on Sunday last. This parade had been fixed to take place on Whit Sunday, but was unavoidably postponed. Forty-four members of the Osmaston detachment ranked up, and forty of the Ashbourne Company, together with their commanders, Colonel Sir Peter Walker, Bart., of the former, and R. Holland Esq., of the latter. The two companies assembled at the Osmaston Lane end, Derby-road, and headed by the Osmaston Manor Brass Band, under the conductorship of Bandmaster H. Stubbs, paraded to the village church in charge of Commander and Colonel Sir Peter Walker, Bart., where convenient seating had been reserved for them, the churchwardens, Messrs. J. Francis and J. W. Saw, Quartermaster A. V. May superintending. Altogether there was a large congregation, and it was a grand sight to witness how heartily all entered the solemn service. One verse of the National Anthem was sung at the commencement of the service and other suitable hymns selected were "Oh God our help in ages past," "Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty," and "Onward Christian Soldiers." Commander and Colonel Sir Peter Walker, Bart., read the lessons, and a very appropriate sermon was preached by the vicar, who chose for his text: I. Cor., xyi., 13 (part of) "quit you like men, be strong." At the close of the service the men reformed ranks at the churchyard gate, and again headed by the Osmaston Manor Brass Band marched to Osmaston Manor, Colonel Sir Peter Walker, Bart., again in command. After being photographed and inspected by the Colonel the men were dismissed, Sir Peter Walker, Bart., expressing his gratification at what he had seen during the proceedings connected with the church parade.— Very deep sympathy is felt for Sir Peter Walker, Bart., and all the family at the loss they have sustained by the death of Capt. Court, 9th Lancers, who was recently killed in action.

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