Shirley Village Archive

Derbyshire Advertiser and Journal - 28 May 1915

The body of Home Guards, of which Sir Peter Walker, Bart., is commander, had a march out Friday evening last, in charge of Quartermaster A. V. May and Sergeant Instructor Salt. The company to the number of about 60 strong marched from their headquarters at Osmaston Manor, through the park and Osmaston village to the Derby road headed by the Osmaston Manor Brass Band, Bandmaster H. Stubbs being the conductor. Most of the men wore their new uniforms and carried their rifles, these being the gift of Sir Peter Walker, Bart., their commander. The men deserve every congratulation for the smartness of their marching, their bearing and the ready and willing manner in which they have taken up their training. Two nights each week (Tuesday and Friday) are devoted to drill instruction and there are present on those evenings nearly a full compliment of members. On a few of the last drill nights the men have been engaged in making a miniature rifle range in Shirley Wood, so that rifle practice it is expected will soon be coming along.
The church parade fixed for last Sunday, and of which notice had been given on the previous Sunday, was postponed.
In the list of appointments in the Derbyshire Volunteer Regiment of Home Guards made by the Lord Lieutenant, we are pleased to note the following:— West Derbyshire Battalion, Quartermaster and Battalion Hon. Sec., A. V. May.

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