Shirley Village Archive

Derbyshire Advertiser and Journal - 13 February 1915

A largely attended meeting of male residents of Osmaston and vicinity was held in the schoolroom on Friday evening. Col. Sir Peter Walker, Bart., presided. He was supported by Capt. H. FitzHerbert Wright, M.P., Rev. H. V. Titmuss, Rev. R. Coates, Mr. A Watkins on (chairman of the parish meeting), and many other influential residents. Captain H. T. Wright explained the objects and reasons of the movement, and appealed to every man to offer his services for home defence. On the proposition of Col. Sir Peter Walker, seconded by Mr. A. Watkinson, a resolution was passed that a unit of the Derbyshire Regiment of Home Guards be formed for Osmaston, Yeldersley, and Shirley. Capt. H. Fitzherbert Wright then proposed, seconded by Mr. May, that Col. Sir Peter Walker be chairman and commander of the unit, which proposition was unanimously accepted by the meeting with great applause. The chairman, in returning thanks for the appointment, said he would do all he could to help forward the scheme, and would provide a rifle range and drill instructor. Mr. May was appointed secretary and treasurer, being proposed by the Rev. H. V. Titmuss, and seconded by Mr. Watkinson. It being found on a show of hands that considerably more than 20 men would sign thee requisite forms, a temporary committee was elected as follows:— Col. Sir Peter Walker, Bart. (temporary chairman and commander), Mr. May (secretary and treasurer), Rev. H. V. Titmuss, Rev. R. Coates, Mr. J Hall, and Mr. Watkinson (parish chairman). The chairman then proposed, and Captain H. F Wright seconded, that the committee be empowered to draw up rules and proceed with the enrolment of the names of those willing to join, and a good number at once seized the enlistment forms. A very enthusiastic meeting was brought to a close after a very hearty vote of thanks had been accorded to Col. Sir Peter Walker for so ably presiding over the meeting.

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