Shirley Village Archive

Derbyshire Advertiser and Journal - 4 January 1902

On Jan 14th the supper, kindly given by the vicar (Rev. W. R. Linton) to the farm labourers in the parish, took place in the school room. There was a good muster, 31 sitting down to the excellent repast provided. After supper the rest of the evening was spent in harmony, a number of good songs being sung. A most enjoyable evening was brought to a close about ten o'clock, when Mr. D. Maskery proposed, and the Rev. W. F. Dury seconded, a hearty vote of thanks to the vicar for his kindness. The vote was accorded, followed by "For he's a jolly good fellow," sung by 31 lusty voices. The Rev. W. R. Linton responded, and expressed the pleasure which the gathering had given him. He also congratulated Mr. T. W. Mellor on the most efficient manner in which he did the catering.
On Jan. 15th a tea was given by the vicar and Mrs Linton to members of the Band of Hope. An excellent tea was provided and done full justice to. After tea the vicar distributed prizes to the Sunday School scholars. A large number were recipients of the splendid books so kindly given by the Rev. and Mrs. Linton. The remainder of the evening was taken up by an excellent address, with lantern illustrations, given by the Rev. F. P. Downman, of Derby, and was thoroughly appreciated by all present.

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