Shirley Village Archive

Derbyshire Advertiser and Journal - 12 March 1898

At the Wirksworth County Court, on March 10th, before Judge Smyly, Q.C., an amusing case from Idridgehay occupied several hours. The plaintiff was Mrs Rose Normanshaw, wife of a Shirley farmer, and the defendant Robert Elliot, farmer of Idridgehay. The claim was for £12 19s. 7d., wages due as a housekeeper to defendant. There was a counter-claim for £27 for negligence in cheese making and for wrongfully quitting the service of defendant. Mr Clifford, Derby, was for plaintiff, and Mr. Symonds defended.— Plaintiff stated that she was housekeeper to plaintiff, who was an old bachelor, and they did a large cheese trade. She was with him for £15 a year for three years, and then she became engaged to her present husband. She said she should leaave when he began courting her, but defendant said her sweetheart could come to the house on Sundays. (Laughter.) Afterwards she arranged to get married, and on the wedding she only remained away that day, returning next morning to the farm.— Defence was that plaintiff had ruined 8cwt. of cheese by letting mice get at it, and then plaintiff ran away to be married. (Laughter.) She returned again, and bolted a second time for good, ten days later. (Renewed laughter.)— His Honour said she probably had too much to do.— Cross-examined by Mr. Clifford, defendant said he sold the maggoty cheese for 2½d. per lb.— Mr. Clifford: a good price for maggots. (Laughter.)— Judgement for plaintiff, and counter-claim thrown out.

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