Shirley Village Archive

Derbyshire Advertiser and Journal - 2 April 1886

Sir,— Allow me, through your widely circulated paper, to contradict the misleading evidence regarding the five youths summoned before the Ashbourne Magistrates for causing an obstruction on the highway at Shirley, on Sunday, the 14th March. First it is stated that they were standing in the middle of the road, which is untrue; as they stood by the side. The roadway where they stood being 31 feet 9 inches wide, they only took up 5 feet of the way, leaving 26 feet 9 inches. What obstruction could they cause by standing 2 minutes? Police constable Hutchinson admits they moved on when requested, neither speaking to him nor the woman who gave evidence against them. WE (I am speaking for the parishioners generally), feel truly sorry that the way is not kept clear when she is coming into the village. We will try to be more on our guard for the future. As for Robert Cresswell stating he saw nothing particular on this occasion, he was not likely, as he was nowhere about at the time. He states he has had to make complaints as churchwarden. I beg to say he is not churchwarden. We know he tries to foist himself as parish warden in more places than the police court. The wardens for Shirley are William Maskrey, vicar's warden, and Philip John Lemon, parish warden. Thanking you, in anticipation, for taking up so much of your time, I should not have troubled you, only your paper, having a great circulation in this neighbourhood, your subscribers here felt greatly annoyed at the report of the case.
    Yours &c.,
        Thomas Strong.

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