Shirley Village Archive

Derby Mercury 12 Sep 1860

The foundation stone of a new tower to the parish church was laid on Saturday, by Francis Wright, Esq., of Osmaston Manor. Proceedings commenced at ten o'clock in the morning, by the school children singing the hymn, "From all that dwell below the skies." After this the Rev. Eardley Wilmot Michell, vicar of Shirley, offered up a prayer. Mr. Wright then in due form, laid the foundation stone, and subsequently addressed the assembly; in so doing, he made suitable allusion to the former vicar – the late estimable Bishop of Sodor and Man, – as also to the vicar of Shirley. The children sang the doxology, and the benediction was pronounced by the Rev. E. W. Michell. The new tower is intended to replace the old one, which has fallen to an unsafe condition. The architect is Mr. H. I. Stevens, of Derby; and the builder, Mr. J. W. Thompson, of Exeter-street, Derby. The landowners have contributed liberally, but there is still a deficiency of upwards of 100l. for which the vicar is responsible. A fitting opportunity is now afforded to those who may feel disposed to subscribe toward this object, to pay a tribute to the honoured memory of the late Bishop Shirley, with whose pastoral labour this village was for some years asssociated. Amongst the company present upon this occasion were, H. Boden, Esq., Mrs and Miss Boden, Francis Wright, Esq., Rev. Thomas Cupiss and Philip Cupiss, Esq., Rev. E. W. Michell, Mrs and Miss Michell, Rev. H. S. Pearson, Mrs and Mr. E Pearson. and others.

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