Shirley Village Archive

Derby Mercury - 6 May 1835

ROBBERY— In the night of Tuesday, the 27th ult. a most daring robbery. was committed in the village of Shirley, nearAshbourn, by some determined depredators who entered the house of Mr, Robt. Dale, and took therefrom one £50 Bank of England note, one £10 Nottingham Bank, another £10 note, two £5 Bank of England notes, and another £5 note, and four sovereigns and a half in money, together with a silver watch. It is supposed that an entrance was effected through a window, as in the morning one was found open, as were also the doors. Mr. Dale's bed-room was entered whilst he was asleep, and the keys taken from his small-clothes' pocket, which were by the bed side; one of the keys belonged to a box at the bottom of the bed, which was found open, and the above amount in money being taken therefrom; the watch had been locked up in a cupboard, which was also left open. Mr. Dale has offered a reward of £10 on conviction of the offender or offenders, and it is hoped that some clue may be found to lead to their apprehension.

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