Shirley Village Archive

Derbyshire Advertiser and Journal - 31 August 1888

Shortly after half-past seven o’clock on Wednesday evening, a fatal accident happened to Mr. Thomas Mellor, farmer and innkeeper, of Shirley, near Ashbourne. About noon he left home, accompanied Mr. Cresswell, of Shirley Hall, to visit the Derbyshire Agricultural Show. They started for home in the evening. When they were driving along Friar-gate, they saw a trap belonging Mr. Macdonald, Bt. of St.. James's street, standing against tbe edge of the pavement, opposite Dr. Carvengen's house. There was a tramcar going in the same direction as themselves, and Mr. Cresswell (who was driving), endeavoured to pass between the car and Macdonald’s trap. The attempt, however, proved a failure, inasmuch Mr. Cresswell came in contact with the stop of the other trap, tbe result being that he and Mr. Mellor were thrown out of their vehicle with considerable violence. Mr. Cresswell was thrown the backs tbe tramcar horses, and was badly shaken, besides receiving several bruises. Mr. Mellor met with far more dreadful fate. was pitched with great force the ground his head coming in contact with the wheels of the tramcar, which injured it, and died instantly from his injuries.—Dr. Benthali, who was near at the time of the accident, went to the man, and found that he was dead. The body was conveyed into Dr. Carvengen's surgery, and in a short time afterwards it was removed the mortuary in the Morledge. Mr. Cresswell having ascertained that Mr. Meilor had been fatally injured, proceeded his journey towards Ashbourn, with the intention of informing deceased’s relatives of the dreadful nature the accident, and this errand he accomplished. Mr. Mellor, jun., accordingly came to Derby, arriving about midnight. Be identified the body that of his father. Prior to his arrival the police, for the purpose ascertaining the identity of injured man. searched his pockets, and found in them number receipts, and post-card, bearing the following address;—"Mr. Thomas Mellor, Saracen's Bead, Shirley, Ashbourn.” On Thursday morning the borough coroner opened tbe inquest on the body of the deceased. The only witness was Thomas William Mellor, son of the deceased, who identified tbe body as that of his father, who was landlord of the Saracen's Head, Shirley, and was also a farmer. was 53 years old. Witness saw him about 12 o'clock Wednesday, when be left home for the purpose of visiting Derbyshire Agricultural Show. drove with neighbour, Mr. Cresswell. of Shirley Hall. Witness did not see him alive again. Mr. Cresswell who was in the trap with him when the collision occurred, was only slightly injured. At this point tbe coroner said it was an important matter and it would be necessary adjourn the inquiry for further evidence. Be then ordered its adjounmenfc 6th inst.

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