Shirley Village Archive

Derbyshire Advertiser and Journal - 22 June 1860

WHEREAS FRANCIS WRIGHT, of Osmaston Manor, in the County of Derby, ESQUIRE, and THOMAS RADFORD, of Hollington, in the said county of Derby, farmer, and SARAH ELLEN RADFORD, (an infant), by the said Thomas Radford, her father and legal guardian, being respectively interested under to provisions of "The Acts for the Inclosure, Exchange and Improvement of Land," in the Land and Hereditaments set forth in the schedule hereunder written, and the easements and appurtenances thereunto belonging, and being desirous of effecting Exchanges of the same, have made application, in writing, to the Inclosure Commissioners for England and Wales, to direct enquiries whether such proposed exchange would be beneficial to the owners of such respective lands and Hereditaments, and to proceed with the same under the provisions of the said acts.
Now the Inclosure Commissioners for England and Wales, being of opinion that such Exchange would be beneficial, and the terms thereof are just and reasonable, HEREBY GIVE NOTICE that they will cause to be framed and confirmed under their Hands and Seals, Orders of Exchange in the matter of the said application, unless notice, in writing, of dissent to the proposed exchanges be given to them by some person entitled to an Estate in, or a charge upon, the said land and Hereditaments or any part thereof, on or before the 6th day of October next.
LAND and Hereditaments in which the above named Francis Wright is interested, situate in the township of Shirley,in the County of Derby, and proposed to be exchanged for the Lands and Hereditaments hereinafter specified.LAND and Hereditaments in which the above named Thomas Radford and Sarah Ellen Radford are interested, situate in the township of Shirley,in the County of Derby, and proposed to be exchanged for the Lands and Hereditaments hereinafter specified.
In exchange with the said THOMAS RADFORD.
No. on
tithe map
Part of194Part of Middle Yeldersted1110
195Part of Little Yeldersted0032
233Part of Nether field0
Together with a right of carriage and drift road over the lower or southern end of the close numbered on the said tithe map 234 for the use of the owners and occupiers for the time being of the land above described as "Part of Nether Field," and of the field numbered on the said tithe map 215 and 216, belonging to the said Thomas Radford.1318
No. on
tithe map
231In Nether Field0021
232In Nether Field039
205Red Marsh0
The said Thomas Radford relinquishes his accustomed right of carriage drift and foot road over the northern or upper end of the mid Close No. 33 down to No. 234 to his said field Nos. 215 and 216.1224
In exchange with the said SARAH ELLEN RADFORD.
Part of 194Northern end of Middle Yeldersted, in the occupation of said Thomas Radford.0310
230aIn Nether field in the occupation of Joseph Williams.0337
Witness my hand, this 14th day of June, in the year of our lord, one thousand eight hundred and sixty.
By Order of the board.

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