Shirley Village Archive

Derbyshire Advertiser & Journal 1 Jun 1855

SHIRLEY.— A new chapel is about being built at Shirley, under the auspices of the Weslyan Methodists Branch Society, the foundation stone being laid on Whit Monday by Mrs. Yeomans, in the presence of a large concourse of spectators. In connection with the ceremony a religious service was held in the afternoon, at which the Rev. H. Hollis, of Ashbourne, delivered a very able and impressive discourse founded upon the latter clause of the 15th verse, in the 3rd chapter St. Paul's first Epistle to St. Peter. At half past four o'clock a tea meeting, attended by 220 persons, was held in a large tent erected in the field where the chapel will be built; a public meeting, presided over by H. Hollis, and addressed by Messrs. Holmes, Peach, Tomlinson, Baker, Walters and Hutchinson terminated the arrangements for the day. Then meetings were enlivened by the performance of several pieces of sacred music. The land for the site of the chapel has been given by Mr. Yeomans, to whom with Mrs. Yeomans, is to be attributed the prospect of having a chapel erected under such favourable circumstances. The proceeds of the afternoon service and the tea meeting was £10.

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