Shirley Village Archive

Derby Mercury - 22 March 1798

By Mr. KIRK,
Upon the premises of Mr. Edward Blake, of Shirley, in the County of Derby, who is leaving his farm;
THE LIVE and DEAD FARMING STOCK, consisting of 19 incalv'd and new milch cows and heifers, 7 stirks, 7 yearling calves, 1 bull, 4 cart horses, 1 foal, 50 ewes in lamb, 50 ewe and wether hogs, 7 fat sheep, 1 sow in pig, 3 waggons, six inch cart, 1 narrow wheel'd ditto, 1 set of 3 harrows, 1 pair of harrows, 1 double plough, 2 single ploughs, gearing for six horses, 1 staddle frame, and other implements of husbandry.
The sheep are well bred perfectly sound, and the ewes are in lamb by a ram of the new Leicestershire breed; any purchaser of sheep may be accommodated with keep to the 4th of April.
Catalogues may be had 6 days preceding the sale, in the principal Inns at Derby, Ashborne, Burton, and of Mr. KIRK, King Street, Derby.
Sale to be on Monday the 26th day of March inst. at 10 o'clock.

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