Shirley Village Archive

Derbyshire Advertiser & Journal 10 Sep 1915

The following extract from letter from Pte. H. Moorhouse, Royal Scots Regiment, now serving in France, foster-brother, Mr. A. Coxon, of.the Villege Inn, Osmaston, will be of interest to local readers. Pte. Moorhouse spent most of boyhood at Osmaston, being a regular attendant at the village school, on leaving which he served an apprenticeship at Mr. Haycock's foundry, Ashbourne. Since then he has been in different works, leaving Sheffield Symplex Motor Works to join the colours in September, 1914. The writer says: are going fine out here. It fearfully hot, although we have been having some very wet weather. I think the war will last the winter through, but we must look forward to better days which are bound be in store. I don't see much of the other boys now; we are all divided. Give my kind regards to all friends at Osmaston. If yon see Mr. Beeby give him also kind regards from one of old boys. We are out of the trenches now again in a rest camp. One thing. we get plenty of grub. are out digging trenches now. They will never get any further this way (I mean the Germans). I wish they could only force the Dardanelles, but I think it is only a matter of time. We have few casualties up to now. Just keep a good drink reserved for the time when the boys come home. We will have a real good time. It will soon be twelve months since 1 left. Hasn’t the time gone by quickly I hope the next twelve months will be as good."

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