Shirley Village Archive

Derby Daily Telegraph - 9 June 1939

Lady Walker opened a garden fete held at Shirley Vicarage in aid of church expenses and the Bishop Derby's Appeal Fund. The Bev. W. W. H. Nash, the Vicar, presided at the opening ceremony. Dorothy Hayes presented a bouquet to Lady Walker, who was thanked by Mr. E. Hand. A fancy-dress parade for the children and adults was enjoyed during the afternoon. In the evening a slx-a-slde football contest, organised by Mr. J. Brown, was held in a field adjoining the Vicarage. Stallholders were: School stall, Miss Scoit and Miss Bagshaw; Vicarage stall, Mrs. Nash, Miss Leslie, and Miss Davenport; Mothers' Union stall, Mrs. Fairclough and Mrs. Millward; produce, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Goodall, Mrs. W. J. Goodall, and the Misses Goodall; sweets, Mr. Tom Mellor and Miss Mellor; bowling for a pig contest, Mr. W. Glover; Swiss skittles, Mr. E. Hand; teas, the Women's Committee; pig race, Master Cyril Green.

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