Shirley Village Archive

Derbyshire Advertiser and Journal, 1 September 1905

SHIRLEY. The village was startled by the news of death of Mr. William Maskery, which took place with painful suddenness. Mr. Maskery, who was farmer and joiner, was apparently in good health, and was engaged in his usual employment to the very hour of his death. He had just returned from executing some repairs at the vicarage, and while sitting at the table eating his lunch he suddenly expired. Dr. Raynor waa immediately summoned, and he pronounced death to be due syncope. Mr. Maskery was a native of Shirley, and was well known and respected in the neighbourhood. He was 68 years of age and had children, but leaves a widow, with whom much sympathy is felt at her sudden bereavement. The funeral took place on Sunday afternoon, and was largely attended by neighbours and friends, among the followers being a number of members of the Brailsford Branch of the Order of Oddfellows, of which the deceased had been a member for 48 years.

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