Shirley Village Archive

Derbyshire Advertiser and Journal 21 June 1919

On Whit-Monday a garden fate with sale of work was held in the Vicarage grounds in aid of the Church restoration, which proved eminently successful. The spacious lawns held attractions for over nine hundred visitors, providing amusement and bringing in the shekels in very gratifying manner. Promptly at 3 o’clock the Osmaston and Shirley Brass Band marched the drive playing lively airs, and the Vicar asked Earl Ferrers to introduce the principal speaker, the Countess Ferrers, who had kindly undertaken the task of opening the sale. Both Lord and Lady Ferrers expressed their great pleasure in coming again to Shirley and also their deep interest in the present effort of the parish. The Countess spoke of the noble work of our brave-men, with touching note of sympathy to the relatives the fallen soldiers, and set forth in hopeful and encouraging words happier times for all. Referring then to the many contributions made to the war funds and the present laudable object, the restoring and beautifying the House of God, Lady Ferrers declared the sale now open, with the conviction that it would meet with much success. Shirley fates always do!
While the Countess was making the round of the stalls, the Earl undertook the sale of a large blue willow-pattern dish, the gift of parishioner, who humbly hoped that it might bring in few shillings.” On the little story being told, the few shillings increased to £6 10s. Another contribution in similar spirit, a pair of door mats, the work of old lady, brought in £1 7s 6d.
The prettily decorated and well-laden stalls were arranged in the large marquee kindly lent by Lady Walker, of Osmaston Manor. No. 1, Mrs. Coates, largely the work the Church members, was in charge of Miss A. Darbysbire and Miss P. Blake; No. 2, given by Mrs. P. Atkins; No. 3. china stall, given Mrs. Lawton; No. 4, confectionery, given by Mrs. Mellor and Mrs. Jos. Brown; No. 5. icecream stall, given by Mr. White, and managed by Mrs. A. Bainbrigge and Miss Coates. No. 6, the flower stall, in charge of the Misses Bankes; in connection with this stall there was exhibition of wild flower bouquets the school children for which prizes were offered by Mr. Wm. White. After the judging by Lady Ferrers, Mrs. Fitz- Herbert Wright, and Mrs. Dearden. prizes were awarded—lat, Annie Riley ; 2nd. Ethel Wheel don; 3rd. Doris Kirkland.
The tea tables, presided over by Mrs. Bourne. Mrs. Lawton. G. Coxon, Mrs. T. Coxon, Mrs. Williamson. Mrs. Taylor, and Mrs. Sefton. were continuously occupied for several hours; while the tea urns and the cutting-up business carried on by Mrs. Joe. Maskrey. Mrs. Harper. Mrs. Harrison, Mrs. Bull, and noble band of assistants, were working as hard as regular munition factories. As usual the school children were the Vicarage guests, invited for their summer treat, and besides the picnic enjoyed houp-la. swings, and donkey rides. A very attractive feature of the evening was the sketch. The Persecuted Policeman.” given the young people —Elsie Wheeldon, E. "> Selwyn. M. Fletcher. A. Lloyd, P. Chadfield. E. Mellor. J. Mellor. O. Harlow, Ethel Wheeldon. T. Mellor. F. Harlow, P. Gilman, together with " Khaki and Neddy." and stage managed Miss P. M. Bankes. Judging from the frequent peals of laughter from the crowded audience it was a huge success. . Bowling for the pig was perhaps the chief event for the men. followed by skittles. The pig was ultimately won by Mr. W. Normanshaw. while the skittles prize (couple of rabbits, given by Mr. Jos. went to a stranger. The potato race excited much interest and applause, the winners receiving prizes from Mr. Normanshaw. Among the guessing competitions. Mrs Kins splendid cake made £5. weighing slbs. 2oz. The nearest competitors. Mrs. N. Bayer (slbs.) and Mr. Warren (s*lbs.) decided to halve it. A prize of 10s. given by Mr. F. Atkins for weight of pig (38i1b9.) was divided between five— Miss H. Wright, Miss England. Miss Jeffries. Mr. Jim Gilman (all 331b5.), and the Rev. R. E. Coates (38i1b8.1. . . The 10s. Treasury note in charge of Mr. Broad was won by the nearest guess of Mr. A. Harrison. The dc’.!. Lady Diana Manners, was not claimed. Dancing on the lower lawn was thomnghly enjoyed the delightful srlains of the Osmaston Band, whose bright selections entertumea the large assembly throughout the proceeding . giving at once pleasure to their hearers and a warm welcome to their returned bandmaster. Mr. H. Stubbs. . . • The Committee of Management are to b. congratuiated the excellent arrangements, and will doubt feel well with the result of their efforts, showing as does the goodly sum of £143 Is. fid.

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