Shirley Village Archive

Derby Mercury, 3 Oct 1900

The annual ploughing, hedge-cutting, and cattle judging competition, promoted by the Brailsford and District Ploughing And Hedge-Cutting Society took place on Wednesday, on land in the occupation of Mr. G. D. Lucas at Shirley, near Brailsford. The weather was fine in the morning, but shortly before lunch it came on to rain. Notwithstanding this there was a very large attendance. The society, of which Mr. T Holmes, Culland Mount, is chairman, is in a very flourishing condition, and the committee and the secretary (Mr. J Harrison) are to be congratulated upon the success that attended this year's competition. The entries were above the average, and some excellent ploughing and hedge-cutting was witnessed, all the competitors going about their work in a very businesslike manner. In the class for boys under 19 a very interesting feature was the clever ploughing of a lad named Everard Johnson (not 13 years of age), nominated by Mr. W. Johnson, Shuckton. At the luncheon that followed the lad was presented with the sum of 25s. which was collected amongst those who had seen him working. There was a class for the best roots on the ground, and some very fine mangolds and swedes were exhibited. The following gentlemen acted as judges: Ploughing, Mr. J. F. Hollingsworth (Weston-on-Trent), Mr R. Poyser (Ingleby); hedge-cutting, Mr. W. Radford (The Lawn, Kirk Langley), Mr. J. W. Chappell (Breaston); horses, Mr. J. Morley (Mackworth) and Mr. W. Morley (Littleover); roots, Mr White and Mr Lowndes. The following gentlemen kindly officiated as stewards: Ploughing, Messrs. G. D. Lucas, J. Harris, J. Sims, E Harrison, and S Archer (Radbourne); hedge-cutting, Messers. F Alsop, J Chapman, and H. Yates; cattle, Messrs. T. Cook and T. Webster, G. Wilson and H. Lockett; horses, Messrs. T. G. Foster, W. Brownson, and F Foster; roots, Messrs. Smith, Plant and J. M. Saint.
The luncheon was provided in a large tent on the ground by Mr. T. G. Foster, of the Rose and Crown Inn, Brailsford, and was held under the presidency of Colonel Gretton, who was accompanied by the Hon. Mrs. Gretton. There was a very large company present, amongst whom were the Rev. and Mrs. W. R. Linton, Mrs Goodall (Birch House, Brailsford), Miss Okeover, Mrs. Chadfield (Cubley), Messrs. T. Finney (Thorpe), J. C. Adams (Kniveton), G. Simpson (Hazelwood), Sydney Burton (Derby), J. Holmes (Mercaston), G. Disborough (Ashborne), S. Woodward (Derby), T. Archer (Mercaston), J. Burton (Shotton), J. Yates (North), T. Yates (Brailsford), Morley (Langley), A. Smalley, R. A. Archer (Kedleston), T. Archer (Poolshead), Mellor, T. Lakin (Swarkestone), Bainbrigge, F. R. Copestake and J. Harrison (secretary).— Colonel Gretton proposed "The Queen," which was drunk most heartily. Afterwards he proposed "The Brailsford and District Ploughing and Hedge-Cutting Society." He congratulated the society upon its flourishing financial condition, and he certainly did not know of a more useful work than that which the society was promoting (Hear, hear). He had seen the teams of horses which had been working, and he must say that they were a splendid lot of Shire horses. He did know a little about hedge-cutting, because for many years he had hunted in that part of the district, and he was very sorry to say that the art of hedge-cutting was dying out. He was sorry to see so many fences neglected, but no doubt it was owing to the want of skilled labour to make the fences up in the skilled and old-fashioned way. He hoped they would drink heartily to the success of the society which they were supporting that afternoon (Applause). He coupled with the toast the names of Mr. F. P. Copestake, of Derby and Mr. Simpson.— Mr. F. P. Copestake responded, and said he was struck with the way in which the land had been so neatly ploughed, and it seemed to him that that kind of work contributed very largely to the prosperity of agriculture (Hear, hear).— Mr. Simpson also responded, and said that a society like this was one of the best technical schools that could be supported (Hear, hear).— The "Health of the Committee" was proposed by Mr. Sydney Burton, and Mr. Goodall and the Secretary (Mr. J. Harrison) responded.— Mr. Redfern proposed the "Health of the Judges," which was responded to by Mr. Lowndes.— The "Health of the Host" was proposed by Col. Gretton, to which Mr. Foster responded.— A vote of thanks to Mr. G. D. Lucas for the use of the grounds and to Colonel Gretton was accorded, and the speech-making terminated. At the conclusion of the luncheon Miss Lucas, of Shirley Hall, kindly distributed the prizes as follows:

"PLOUGHING AND HEDGE-CUTTING MATCHES AT BRAILSFORD." Derby Mercury 3 Oct. 1900. 19th Century British Newspapers. Web. 16 June 2016. URL Gale Document Number: GALE|BA3202821796