Shirley Village Archive

Derby Mercury, March 18, 1863

On Tuesday, the merry bells pealed, and at twelve o'clock the children of the day and Sunday schools received each a wedding favour in which they proceeded to the vicarage with the farmers &c., of the village. Here a procession was formed, and after singing the National Anthem, attended service in church, where the Rev. E. W. Michell, vicar, preached an appropriate and impressive sermon. At three o'clock 160 children partook of tea, with meat and sweets; at four a balloon was sent up; at half five a second balloon ascended; at six, 70 partook of a very bountiful supper, which, with the tea, was served up in very good style by Mr. Twigg, of the Saracen's Head. During the festivities a lady very kindly presided at the pianoforte. After supper the following toasts were given:— "The Queen", with cheers; air, "God save The Queen;" "Their Royal Highnesses The Prince and Princess of Wales;" air, "God bless the Prince of Wales;" "The Vicar of Shirley," "Francis Wright, Esq., and Family." After other toasts, fireworks were displayed, and the villagers separated to their homes. Flags were displayed on the church tower, in the school room, and at different houses in the village. Among the rest we noticed one arranged by Miss Williams, with the devices of "Long Live Victoria," and "God Bless the Royal Pair."

"DISTRICT CELEBRATIONS." Derby Mercury 18 Mar. 1863. 19th Century British Newspapers. Web. 30 May 2016. URL Gale Document Number: GALE|BA3200031313

This was celebrating the marriage of the Prince of Wales.