Shirley Village Archive

Derby Mercury, November 11, 1885

RESTORATION OF CHANCEL.— The chancel of Shirley church is about to be restored through the generosity of the present Lord of the Manor, Sir Andrew B. Walker. The work, which will be begun in early spring, will be carried out under the care of Messrs. George and Peto, of London, and will be of excellent character and design. It appears that the chancel of the church belongs to Sir Andrew as lay rector, and he is going to set a good example to all lay rectors by restoring this part of the church in a style which will be in keeping with his work elsewhere. This estimated cost of the work is 1000l.

"District News." Derby Mercury 8 Dec. 1886. 19th Century British Newspapers. Web. 17 May 2016. URL Gale Document Number: GALE|BA3202794749