Shirley Village Archive

Derby Mercury 22 Apr 1885

VESTRY MEETING.— The Vestry Meeting was held on April 9th, the vicar, the Rev. C. E. L . Corfield, M.A., in the chair. Messrs. P Lemon and William Maskry re-elected churchwardens, and messrs. E Bainbrigge and R. Cresswell lay representatives. The chairman stated the parish was in a very satisfactory condition. On Easter Sunday, the communicants numbered twenty per cent. of the entire population, and the collections amounted to 7l. 7s. 2d.
SIR ANDREW WALKER.— The new owner of Osmaston Manor, who is Lay rector and a considerable property owner in Shirley, is about to restore the quaint old chancel in Shirley church. A well-known firm of London architects has the matter in hand, and it is expected that the work will shortly be commenced.

© British Newspaper Archive. Vestry meetings are explained in this Wikipedia article.