Shirley Village Archive

Derby Mercury 30 Jan 1895

Timothy Gelsthorp, of Shirley, farmer, sued F. W. Benson, of Dewsbury, milk seller, trading as the Bradford Dairy Company, to recover an account of 10l. 10s. for milk, supplied under contract in the month of July, 1894.— Mr. Matthews appeared for the plaintiff.— Defendant failed to appear although he had written stating he would arrive by the earliest possible train and had also filed a counter claim of 21l. 14s. 1d. for losses, alleged by reason of milk supplied not being of the specified quality, also for loss by some received being, it was claimed, sour.— Mr Matthews stated the claim was for milk supplied under a contract last July, and as regards the counter claim he had witnesses to produce if necessary, all the sour milk he stated had been allowed for in the account.— Plaintiff entered the box and showed his book showing of entries of milk supplied, the price was 1s. 2d. per barn gallon.— His Honour gave plaintiff judgement for the amount he had sued for 10l. 10s. and nonsuited defendant on his counter claim.

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