Shirley Village Archive

Derby Mercury 18 Apr 1883

CRUELTY TO A MARE.— Mr. William Redshaw, farmer, Shirley, was charged with having on the 3rd inst., caused a mare to be worked with a chopping machine, when suffering from serious and painful disease in one leg. Austin Sherwin, servant to Mr. Redshaw, was also charged with working the mare under his master's orders.— Police constable F. O'Neil said that on Tuesday, April 3rd., he went to the defendant's farmyard and found the mare working the chopper, and Sherwin driving. The mare, which is foal, had a large swelling on the off hind leg, from the hock to the pastern joint. Blood and offensive matter were running out at each side. The leg was 3 feet in circumference.— Defendants said the horse was only worked a little occasionally, and was not lame.— Redshaw was fined 1l and costs, a Sherwin 2s. 6d. and costs.

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