Shirley Village Archive

Derby Mercury, March 14, 1883


MR. H. D. HOLYOAK is honoured with instructions from Mr. Twigge, to SELL by AUCTION on THURSDAY, March 15th, 1883, the whole of his valuable and modern FARMING IMPLEMENTS, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Bedroom appointments &c., comprising—
HORSES— Valuable in-foal grey mare, 9 years old, capital worker and perfectly quiet; excellent black mare, 9 years old; promising grey filly, 3 years old, 16.2 hands high.
PIGS— Eight fat pigs, nice weight.
FOWLS— Quantity of barn door fowls.
IMPLEMENTS— Large 4½in. waggon, with top gear complete and double shafts, nearly new; 4½in. do., nearly new; capital 4½in. cart, with wraithes and grain boards complete; do. do., do. do. with wraithes; do. do., 6in. do., iron land roller, nearly new; do. do., set of four seed harrows, ox harrow, set of iron harrows, do. do., Scotch do., chain do., iron plough by Ball, do. do., tedding machine, nearly new; Bentall's cake mill, winnowing machine, rick poles and ridge, rick cloth, turnip pulper by Bentall, hay rakes and fork, sheep cratch, do. do., 2 wheelbarrows, long and short ladders, iron plough by Hornsby, horse hoe, do. do., large pole, iron pig trough, wooden do., milk churn and wheels, corn bin, 3 large oil cloth waggon covers, 2 garden forks, maul and wedges, capital strong spring cart, suitable for a butcher; spring market trap, scraper, pig net, riddles, dung hook and drag.
GEARING— Set of shaft gearing, do. do., do. do., set of chain ditto, ditto ditto, sundry ditto, set of harness, hackney saddle, set of plough pads and traces, ditto ditto.
FURNITURE— Centre table, do. do., capital 8-days clock in mahogany case, polished fender, do. do., do. do., 4 mahogany hair-seated chairs, arm do. to match, sofa upholstered in hair, mahogany centre table, extending ditto, chimney glass in gilt frame, large mahogany centre table with two loose laves, mahogany chiffonier with glass front, piano by Broadwood, engravings, mahogany corner cupboard, valuable engraving, subject "The First Exhibition;" 2 coal hods, sofa, painted side table, oak centre do., oak dresser with drawers, Windsor and other chairs, bread throw, salt coffer, case of preserved birds, painted chest of drawers, 2 painted washstands, 2 dressing tables, napkin rail, mahogany lady's wardrobe, small fancy table, mahogany four-posted bed, do. do. with hangings, four-posted bedstead, stump do., 30-hours hang clock, round oak table, mangle, painted cupboard, long bench do. do., lawn mowing machine, quantity of books, meat safe, do. do., stove and piping, cart ropes, 2 cwt. of Myers' royal spice, large quantity of old iron, and other useful articles too numerous to mention.
DAIRY UTENSILS— Brass cheese kettle, tin do., curd mill, curd sinker, cream stein, sie dish, tin milk pancheons, cheese vats and girths, cheese screw, do. do., large cheese making machine, do. do., cheese shelves.
Sale to commence at 11 o'clock.

"Advertisements & Notices." Derby Mercury 14 Mar. 1883. 19th Century British Newspapers. Web. 13 May 2016. URL Gale Document Number: GALE|BA3202785811

Myers' royal spice was an animal feed.