Shirley Village Archive

Derby Mercury, May 30, 1877

Five men and a boy, supposed to be gipsies, were charged with being riotous and committing wilful damage at Shirley, on the 18th inst. It appeared from the evidence that the six prisoners went on the previous evening to the house of Wm. Twigg, innkeeper, Saracen's Head, Shirley. They called for some beer, which was supplied to them. They remained in the house about two hours, when they began to be noisy and to use bad language. Mr. Twigge refused to fill them any more liquor, and requested them to leave the house. One of them then struck him and spat in his face. When he had got them all out of the house he shut the door. A volley of stones then came through the windows and against the door. The stone throwing lasted about five minutes, and they came with great force, cutting through the blinds. His servant man was knocked down end badly beaten. Mr. Williams, his neighbour, sent for Superintendent Whieldon, who soon arrived and pursued the prisoners in the direction of Hollington, where he apprehended two of them. He then searched a farm building out in the fields, and succeeded in finding the other four prisoners. They resisted apprehension, one being very violent. They were, however, soon overpowered and secured, and eventually were convoyed to the Ashborne lock-up. The Bench committed the five men to hard labour for six weeks, but discharged the boy.

"District News." Derby Mercury 30 May 1877. 19th Century British Newspapers. Web. 9 May 2016. URL Gale Document Number: GALE|BA3202772174