Shirley Village Archive

Derby Mercury, July 12, 1871

Mr Holland, solicitor, Ashborne, applied for a commitment to gaol of Thos. Bourn, who occupies a small farm at Shirley, for not complying with an order made under the new bankruptcy act by his honour at a former court to give up possession of his house and farm to the trustees in bankruptcy.— Mr. Hextall appeared for the defendant.— HIS HONOUR ordered that the land should be given up at once, and possession of the house and goods in 14 days. Commitment to be suspended 14 days for compliance with the order.

"DERBY COUNTY COURT, MONDAY, July 10." Derby Mercury 12 July 1871. 19th Century British Newspapers. Web. 5 May 2016. URL Gale Document Number: GALE|BA3202759644