Shirley Village Archive

Derby Mercury, March 19, 1862


MR. BROWNSON, Auctioneer and Valuer, begs respectfully to announce to his numerous Patrons, Friends, and the Public, that he has received instructions from Mr. Henry Sheldon (who is changing his residence), to DISPOSE of by PUBLIC COMPETITON,on WEDNESDAY, the 19th day of March, 1862, the entire of his Valuable and well-selected FARMING IMPLEMENTS, Dairy Utensils, Brewing Vessels, with a portion of his HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Fowls, Potatoes, &c. Sale to commence at Ten o'clock promptly. This Sale comprises, in part, excellent 6-inch waggon, with top gears complete; capital 41-inch ditto, with double and single shafts, iron arms, top gear, and slipper, narrow wheel ditto, with ditto, excellent harvest waggon, complete, 6-inch cart with side gears, 6-inch ditto with 1 side or grain boards, 41 ditto with top and side gears a complete, neat basket gig, plough with wheel and swingle & trees, iron plough with ditto, scuffler, ox harrow, iron harrows with swingletrees. chain harrows, horse-hoe with double shell boards, stone land roller, excellent iron land presser in three divisions; Wayte's patent drill for turnips, manures, &c.; Bentall's patent turnip pulper; Samuelson's patent turnip-cutter, horse-power for chopping and pulping, with fixings complete; shaft with pulleys, pedestals, and steps complete; Cornforth's blowing machine, stack frames, with caps and pillars complete; 17 loose caps and pillars, scythe, ell rakes, hay rakes and forks, hay knives, picks, hacks, and other small Implements; set of harness complete, ditto shaft gears, 4 sets of chain gears, plough pads, cart sheet, stove and piping, iron pig troughs, mash tub, coolers, 6 capital casks, from 6 to 18 gallons; cast iron boiler and underworks, 3 stone cheese presses, milk and salting leads, excellent milk cooler, 2 cheese pans, quantity of 15 and 16 2 inch cheese vats, double barrelled gun, excellent cupboard, with range of drawers, 8 ft. by 7; ditto, ditto, 7 ft. by 6 ft. 6 in.; tables, chairs, 8 couple of fowls, quantity of excellent potatoes, &c., &c. — The Auctioneer has great confidence in calling the public together to compete for the above valuable implements, &c., the greater part of which are new and upon the most approved principles. The whole will be found worthy the competition of the public. Catalogues may be had at the ADVERTISER Branch Office, Ashborne; or of the AUCTIONEER. Parwich and Ashborne, March 10th, 1862.