Shirley Village Archive

Derby Mercury, April 25, 1883

DEATH OF THE REV. F. CORFIELD. The Rev. Frederick Corfield, vicar of Shirley, who died on April 12th, was buried on Monday week in the churchyard of the parish where he has laboured for the last three years an a half. By his death the diocese loses one of the most beloved and respected of its clergy, and this neighbourhood will be deprived of a noble-minded Christian gentleman. Mr. Corfield was indeed one "in whose spirit there was no guile" and whose very countenance seemed to spcak of goodwill towards men. Even chance acquaintance could not fail to fool the influence of the simple beauty of his character, while his own parishioners loved him with a loyalty which was wonderfully touching in its simplicity. The deceased gentleman was for 14 years rector of the parish of Heanor, in this diocese, and during his occupancy of that living he was instrumental in building a new church at Langley Mill and restoring the old one at Heanor. together with building or rebuilding three schools with accommodation for over 1,200. But far more enduring than the material work of this kind will be the result of that earnest labour which succeeded in gathering together two large congregations with several hundreds of communicants from such very small beginnings. It was while working at Heanor that Mr. Corfield so overtaxed his strength that ho had to retire in 1879 to the little village of Shirley, where he has so recently received his summons to come to be with that God whom he loved so well, and to Work for Him in a higher and nobler sphere of labour,
The funeral was marked by a simplicity which well suited the wonderful humility of him who was then carried to his long home in that quiet and quaint churchyard. Five of his sons carried the dower-covered coffin from the Vicarage, and gave it into the charge of ten of the principal parishioners, who then carried it to the church on a simple, open bier. The population of the little village followed in quiet procession, and it was easy to see that the grief they showed was real and deep. There were many there whose hearts he had cheered, whose griefs he had brightened, and to whom he had shown by the example which speaks louder than precept that happiness which lies in a self-denying and stainless life. The mourners were the widow, the two daughters, and five of the deceased's sons- F. C, Corfield, Esq. JP, of Butterley Park ; Rev. C. W. Corfield, rector of Heanor: Rev. C. B. L. COrfield, curate of Rotherham; Ashley T. Corfield and E. Corfield, of St. Katharine s College. Cambridge. The service was read by the Rev. L. Nicholson, vicar of Osmaston, and all the neighbouring clergy were present, including the Revs. T. A. Anson, F. Jourdain, T. Auden, L. Barnet, J. G. Crolaer, W. Sandford, W. Parker, A. Slight .&c. The Rev. F. Corfield was born at Penryn, July 10th, 1821, and was the son of W. Corfield, Esq., J.P. He was educated at London and Trinity College, Dublin. He was ordained deacon by the Bishop of London in 181-, and priest in the following year by Bishop urnner, of Willchester. In 1841 ho was appointed +, the living of Temuple- crone, in the north of Ireland, by the second Marquis of Cony hamll. Ile wasJ.P. Ior cou nty J)ollegrtl , an domestic chaplain to Lord Clormont. Several years ago he took charge of the parish of Lenten. a suburb of Nottingham. and in 188 was appointed to the living of Heanor by the late Francis Wright, Esq., of Osmaston Manor. Failing health for the last few years obliged Mr. Corfield to live quietly at Shirley, but up to the time of his death he was a ready deputation on behalf of the Church Missionary and kindred societies, whose Nvorl be had much at heart. Not only, therefore, amongst his own people will this noble and loving spirit be missed, but many in all parts of the country will be sensible that in him the work of God here below has lost en earnest labourer, and the Church of Christ a wise and faithful pastor.