Shirley Village Archive

Derby Mercury, February 9, 1809

WINSTER, DERBYSHIRE. TO BE LET, And entered upon the 25th day of March next, Genteel Sallied HOUSE, pleasantly and privately situated in Winster aforesaid, lately occupied by the Rev. Mr. Pearson, with a large Garden walled round, Stable, and other conveniences.
Also a small House near to the above in the farm yard.
Also about Three Acres and One Rood of rich Grazing Land, well-watered, with a Barn on it, near to the Town of Winster; the whole of which will be Let together, if required.
A view of the Premises may he had by applying to Mr. G. Swindel, Winster; and for other particulars apply to ROBERT STEEPLE

"Advertisements & Notices." Derby Mercury 9 Feb. 1809. 19th Century British Newspapers. Web. 18 Apr. 2016.
Gale Document Number: GALE|BA3202728884