Shirley Village Archive

Derby Mercury, May 5, 1824, Issue 4791.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, PURSUANT to an Act of Parliament passed in the 55th year of the Reign of his late Majesty King George the third, intituled "An Act for enabling Spiritual Persons to exchange the Parsonage or Glebe Houses or Glebe Lands belonging to their Benefices for others of greater value or more conveniently situated for their residence and occupation, and for annexing such Houses and Lands so taken in Exchange to such Benefices as Parsonage or Glebe Houses and Glebe Lands, and for purchasing and annexing Lands to become Glebe in certain cases, and for other purposes;" That the REVEREND WALTER SHIRLEY, VICAR of the PARISH of SHIRLEY, in the county of Derby, and within the Diocese of Lichfield and Coventry, and the HONOURABLE WASHINGTON SHIRLEY, of the City of Westminster, in the County of Middlesex, intend to make an Exchange as follows, that is to say, the said WALTER SHIRLEY intends to convey to the said WASHINGTON SHIRLEY, all that Close, piece or parcel of Land or Ground called the MILL LANE CLOSE, situate, lying and being in the Parish of Shirley aforesaid, now in the tenure or occupation of the said Walter Shirley, and containing by admeasurement two Acres and thirty-one perches. ALSO all that other Close, piece or parcel of Land or Ground situate, lying and being in the n Parish of Shirley aforesaid, called the PARK CLOSE, now also in the tenure or occupation of the said Walter Shirley, and containing by admeasurement Four Acres and twenty-six Perches. AND ALSO all that other Close, piece or parcel of Land or al Ground situate, lying and being in the Parish of Shirley aforesaid, called the CQMMON CLOSE, now in the tenure or occupation of Humphrey Jackson, and containing by admeasurement Two Acres, three Roods, and three Perches.
IN EXCHANGE for all that Close, piece or parcel of Land or Ground situate, lying and being in the Parish of Shirley aforesaid, called or known by the name of the UPPER COW CLOSE, in the tenure or occupation of Samuel Steer, and containing by admeasurement Four Acres, two Roods, and three Perches. ALSO all that other Piece or Parcel of Land or Ground situate, lying and being in the Parish of Shirley aforesaid, being the larger and northwardly side of the NETHER COW CLOSE, (as the same is now staked out,) and containing by admeasurement Three Acres, three Roods, and Twenty seven Perches, and also in the tenure or occupation of tle said Samuel Steer. AND ALSO all that other piece or parcel of Land or Ground situate, lying and being in the Parish of Shirley aforesaid, being the northwardly end of a certain Close called the PINGLE, (as the same is now staked out.) and containing by admmeasurement Two In Roods and Fourteen Perches, and now in the tenure or occupation of Richard Chawner. Which said three last mentioned Closes Pieces, Parcels or Plots of Land or Ground lie together, and are (bounded on the East by Land of William Leedham on the West by the public Road leading from the Village of Shirley aforesaid to join the Derby and Ashbourn Turnpike Road; on the North by a certain private or occupation Road belonging to John Kniveton; and on the South by that part of the said Close called the Nether Cow Close, and that part of the said Close called the Pingle, which will be cut off by the intended new line of division fence, both belonging to the said Washington Shirley. Given under our hands this Twentieth day of April, in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and twenty-four.
WALTER SHIRLEY. Vicar of Shirley.