Shirley Village Archive

Derby Mercury, May 30

THE OSMASTON MANOR ESTATE.— It is announced by an advertisement in a London newspaper that the estates of the late Mr. Francis Wright, at Osmaston next Ashborne, Shirley, and Ednaston, in the county of Derby, and at Langar and Barnston. in Nottinghamshire, will be sold by auction, by Messers. Lutley, towards the end of June or the beginning of July. he late Mr. Wright devised these properties to his eldest son Mr. John Wright (who has assumed the name of Osmaston), for hie life and at his decease to the testator's grandson, Mr. Francis Plumtree Beresford, the eldest son of Mr Osmaston, for his life, with remainder to his issue. The sale will therefore be made under the provisions of the recent Act for facilitating the sale of settled estates. The Derbyshire part of the property consists of the splendid edifice called Osmaston Manor, and about 3,000 acres of land in a ring fence, with a rent roll of between 6,000l. and 7,000l. a year. The Nottinghamshire portion is also about 8,000 acres in extent, with a rent roll of between 5,000l and 6,000l. a year. The following particulars of Osmaston Manor will be of interest. The first stone was laid 22nd May, 1846, and possession was taken by the late Mr. Wright and his family, 11th July, 1819. The style is pure Elizabethan. The buildings cover four acres. On the parapet of the central tower may be read the words, "The works of our hands are vanity, but whatsoever God doeth it shall stand for ever." The Manor stands 6 m. 12 sec. west of Greenwich, nearly 3 miles from Ashborne, and 11 from Derby, on a dry gravel hill 480 feet above the sea; the smoke tower was originally 153 feet high, but has been lowered by Mr. Osmaston. The length of the Manor on the east side is 333 feet, and of the arcade 150 feet. The conservatory is 78 feet long and 42 feet wide. There is a tennis court 6' foot by 90 feet and 27 feet high. The Mansion has a most imposing appearance when viewed from the Derby and Ashborne Road, and in size and the completeness of its arrangements, and also as regards its situation and surroundings, it is surpassed by very few of the numerous seats of the nobility and gentry which are to be found in the midland counties.