Shirley Village Archive

The Times (London), January 31, 1852


On Thursday morning last a robbery of a most audacious nature was committed between Derby and Ashbourn, and about three miles from the latter place, by a young man apparently about 20 years of age. The facts are as follows:- As Mr. Rix, of Shirley (a village between Derby and Ashbourn), was proceeding on horseback to the latter place, between 10 and ll o'clock in the morning, when near to the turn of the road leading to Osmaston, a young man walked up to him, presented a loaded pistol, and demanded 5s., threatening to blow Mr. Rix's brains out if his demands were not immediately complied with. Mr. Rix, of course greatly alarmed at the close contact of so dangerous a weapon drew from his pocket two half crowns and gave them to the fellow, who then decamped, and Mr. Rix proceeded on his journey. Mr. Hurd, painter, of Ashbourn, who happened to be on the road in his "trap," hearing of the attack procured the assistance of a man named Clarke and Mr. Chadfield, jun., together with a gentleman's groom who was passing, and went in pursuit of the villain. After a good deal of doubling and twisting he was discovered in the corner of a field. On his pursuers approaching he held out the pistol, ready cocked, in his band, threatening to shoot any one who should attempt to take him. The groom, nothing daunted, armed himself with stones, and attacked him, and finally the party succeeded in capturing him. He was conveyed by Mr. Hurd in his "trap" to Mr. Francis Wright, of Osmaston manor (one of the magistrates for the county),and locked up in one of the stables. Thence he was taken to the lock-up at Ashbourn. On searching him a quantity of powder and shot and a print depicting "The Life and Adventures of Tom King, the Highwayman," were found upon his person. When taken he seemed to treat the affair with the utmost non chalance, remarking to Mr. Hurd, when he came in sight of Osmaston manor, that he considered a view of it quite a treat. The public is much indebted to the party who captured him for the courage they displayed. The pistol was loaded almost to the muzzle.

"Daring Highway Robbery In Derbyshire.-." Times 31 Jan. 1852: 7. The Times Digital Archive. Web. 18 May 2016. URL Document Number: GALE|CS118130239