Shirley Village Archive

Gazetteer and New Daily Advertiser, January 24, 1780

At their Great Room in Pall-Mall, on Tuesday the 5th of February next, at one o'clock if not previously disposed of by Private Contract in one or two lots, THE NEXT PRESENTATIONS to the RECTORY of BRAILSFORD and VICARAGE of SHIRLEY, in the county of DERBY, consisting of as follows, viz.
Lot 1. The RECTORY and CHURCH of BRAILSFORD, with an exceeding good PARSONAGE-HOUSE, in thorough repair. The said PRESENTATION produces annually upwards of FOUR HUNDRED POUNDS, and arises from SIXTY-EIGHT ACRES of GLEBE LAND, and the great and small tithes of the parish, &c.
Lot 2. The VICARAGE and CHURCH of SHIRLEY, producing annually upwards of ONE HUNDRED POUNDS, which arises from TEN ACRES of glebe land and the tithes of the parish, &cc.
The present Incumbent of both Churches is upwards of Ninety, and the value of each may be considerably increased.
The parishes of BRAILSFORD and SHIRLEY adjoin to each other, and are situate near the turnpike road between DERBY and ASHBOURNE, about six miles distant from each of the said towns, are both now enjoyed by the same person, and will be fold together or separate, at the option of the purchasers.
Printed particulars may be had of Mr. Pairs, attorney at law, Leicester; of Mr. John Benefold, Piccadilly, and Mr. Christie and Ansell, Pall-mall.

"Advertisements and Notices." Gazetteer and New Daily Advertiser 24 Jan. 1780. 17th and 18th Century Burney Collection. Web. 27 May 2016. URL Gale Document Number: GALE|Z2000391750