Shirley Village Archive

Derby Mercury, May 24, 1882

WHEREAS, JOHN OSMASTON, of Osmaston Manor, in the County of Derby, Esquire, and WILLIAM W MASKERY, of Shirley, in the said County, Farmer, being respectively interested under the provision of "The Inclosure Acts 1845 to 1878," in the Laud and Hereditaments set forth in the Schedule herunder written, with the Easements and Appurtenances thereunto belonging, and being desirous of effecting an Exchange of the same, have made application in writing, to the Inclosure Commissioners for England and Wales, to direct enquiries whether such proposed Exchange would be beneficial to the Owners of such respective Lands and Hereditaments, and to proceed with the same under the provisions of the said Acts.
Now the Inclosure Commissioners for England and Wales, being of opinion that such Exchange would be beneficial, and that the terms thereof are just and reasonable, hereby GIVE NOTICE that they will cause to be framed and confirmed, under their Hands and Seal, an Order of Exchange in the matter of the said application, unless notice in writing of dissent to the said proposed Exchange be given to them by some person entitled to an Estate in, or to a charge upon, the said Land and Hereditaments or any part thereof, on or before the 1st day of September next.


Land and Hereditaments in which the above-named JOHN OSMASTON is interested, situate in the Parish of Shirley, in the County of Derby, and proposed to be exchanged for the Land and Hereditaments hereinafter specified.
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211A Parcel of land, part of "Shaw Close, otherwise "Long Close," and in the occupation of said William Maskery125
Land and Hereditaments in which the above-named WILLAM MASKERY is interested, situate in the Parish of Shirley, in the County of Derby, and pro. posed to be exchanged for the Land and Hereditaments herein before specified.
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228A parcel of land in the Nether Field0115
226A Close or Parcel of land known as the Red Marsh Acre and heretofore part of the said Nether Field1030

Witness my hand this 11th day of May, in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Eighty-two.

CHARLES WOOD, Inclosure Commission, 3, St. James's-square, London S.W.