Shirley Village Archive

Derby Mercury, November 22, 1804, Issue 3789.

By Mr. KIRK,

On the Premises late in the occupation of Miss PHILLIPS, at Shirley, in the county of Derby, on Tuesday. the 27th of November, 1804, the sale to commence at 10 o'clock and continue till all is sold.
ALL the Living and Dead FARMING STOCK, consisting of 5 Incalved Cows, 1 Barren Cow, 3 fat Pigs, 1 Rick of New Hay about 12 Tons, 1 Piece of Old ditto about 3 Tons, a quantity of Straw, Implements of Husbandry, &c. &c. Also the household goods consisting of Excellent Mahogany Wardrobe; Mahogany Dining Tables, Mahogany Chairs, Mahogany Pembroke Table, and Excellent 8-days Clock by Butler with Mahogany Cafe, one ditto by Ashton with Oak Cafe, and 1 30-hours Clock, with other useful Furniture and Kitchen Requisites &c. &c.
Catalogues may be had 6 days preceding the Sale at the Black's-Head Inn, Ashbourne; Saracen's Head Inn, Brailsford; Mr. Redshaw's, at Longford Inn; Mr. Wm. Keen's, of Smisby; upon the Premises; and of Mr. Kirk, the Auctioneer, Queen Street Derby;
Derby, Nov. 13, 1804

"Advertisements & Notices." Derby Mercury 22 Nov. 1804. 19th Century British Newspapers. Web. 20 May 2016. URL Document Number: GALE|BA3202726259 (subscription required)