Shirley Village Archive

The Times, Dec 16, 1880

RE WILLIAM TWIGG deceased Pursuant to a Judgement of the Chancery Division of the High Court of Justice England made in the matter of the Estate of WILLIAM TWIGG deceased and in an action of "Plincke against Gocher" 1879 T No. 164) the trusts of the will of William Twigg late of Cheshunt in the County of Hertford Esquire deceased who died on the 4th of July 1879 are being administered before the Vice Chancellor Malins. The said Testator by his will gave all the residue of his estate to bin paternal uncles and aunts living at his death and the Issue then living of such of the who should be then dead, All Persons CLAIMING to be the PATERNAL UNCLES and AUNTS of the Testator or the issue (whether children or remoter descendants) of such of them as may be dead are on or before the 31st day of May 1881 to send by post prepaid to Messrs Duffield and Bruty of No. 6 Tokenhouse Yard in the City of London the Solicitors of the Defendant John Gocher the Executor of the said Testator the full particulars of their respective claims or in default thereof they will be peremptorily excluded from the benefit of the said Judgement.
Note-It is believed that all the persons coming under the aforesaid description have been ascertained with the exception of the persons mentioned in the Schedule hereto and their respective Issue (If any)
The Schedule above referred to
Twigg William (Issue of.—The paternal Grandfather of the Testator married Anne Froggatt at Norbury Derbyshire in 1775 and died at Marston Montgomery in that County in 1826 aged 73. Nine of the children of the marriage were baptised at Marston Montgomery and It is believed there were no other children and that William Twigg was only once married.
Twigg Anne (formerly Anne Froggatt) Issue of.—The wife of the above named William Twigg. She died at Marston Montgomery in 1824 aged 78 and is believed to have been only once married.
Twigg Joseph.—A Son of the above named William and Anne Twigg. Born at Marston Montgomery in 1714. It is believed he died in London at an early age and without having heen married.
Gadsby Lydia.—A Daughter of James and Sarah Gadsby (formerly Sarah Twigg Spinster, and who after the death of James Gadsby became the wife of Henry Nash) Born a Marston Montgomery 1795. It is believed she died young and without having been married.
Gadsby Mary afterwards 1st Dennis 2nd Lovatt 3rd Bromby (Issue of.)— Daughter of the above named James and Sarah Gadsby Born at Marston Montgomery in 1793 Married 3 times Her first husband was Jeremiah Dennis her second James (or John) Lovatt and her third Cornelius Bromby She is believed to have died some years since and to have left issue by one or more of her husbands.
Berrisford Hannah (formerly Hannah Gadsby Spinster) Issue of— Daughter of Thomas & Sarah Gadsby (formerly Sarah Smith) the said Thomas (Gadsby being a Son of the above named James and Sarah Gadsby Born at Shirley Derbyshire in 1826 believed to have married James Berrisford (or Beresford) and died at Staveley Derbyshire in 1852 It is believed there were three children of the marriage. one Daughter and two Sons, Sarah, Thomas, and Henry all of whom it is believed are living.
Darben George (Issue of) —A Son of William and Elizabeth Darben (formerly Twigg Spinster) Born in parish of St. Matthew Bethnal Green London in 1818 Married Jane Smith (widow) formerly Jane Begarnie, Spinster. at St. Philip's Bethnal Green in 1852 It is believed he died in 1863 He is described as a paper hanger.
Darben Henry.—A Son of William Elliott Darben (who was a Son of the above named William and Elizabeth Darben) and Mary Ann Spencer. He was born in the parish of St. Matthew Bethnal Green in 1839 and went to Brisbane in Queensland Australia about the year 1862. but has not been heard of for the last 8 years.
Rotheram Millicent (formerly Millicent Sowter) Issue of.—A Daughter of Joseph and Ann Sowter (formerly Ratcliffe) the said Joseph Sowter (described as a Sawyer) being a Son of John and Hannah Sowter formerly Hannah Twigg) Millicent Sowter was born at Doveridge, Derbyshire in 1838. married George Rotherham (Railway Porter) at Lichfeld Staffordshire in 1864 & died at Uttoxeter in the same county in 1865 It is believed there was a Child of the marriage who died in infancy.
Law Henry (or issue of, if dead). — A Son of Henry Law (Law Clerk) and Hannah Law (formerly Twigg Spinster) believed to have been born in the year 1843 probably at Sheffield Left Sheffield in August 1868 and has been since seen at various times at Manchester Liverpool and in different parts of Cheshire when he appeared to be carrying on the business of a Hawker Last seen In Cheshire in 1878.
McCarthy Ann (formerly Twigg Spinster) (Issue of.—A Daughter of Thomas Twigg Wheelwright or Coachmaker) and Hannah Twigg formerly Hannah Wood) Born in 1824 probably at either Sheffield. Derby or Asbboune Derbyshire Married George McCarthy Coachmaker at Sheffield in 1842 died at Lambeth Surrey In 1851 Supposed to have left several Children—one of whom named George died at Lambeth in 1851 It Is believed that the other Children with their Father emigrated to America.
Dated this fourth day of November 1880
HENRY W. VEREY Official Referee of the High Court of Justice
DUFFIELD and BRUTY of No. 6 Tokenhouse Yard in the city of London Defendant's solicitors.

"AN OFFICER'S FAMILY are, with their parents." Times 16 Dec. 1880: 1. The Times Digital Archive. Web. 20 May 2016. URL Gale Document Number: GALE|CS17350544 (subscription required)