Shirley Village Archive

Sheffield Independent 13 Jul 1893

In the Divorce Court yesterday the case of Normanshaw v. Normanshaw and Measham came on for hearing before Sir Francis Jeane and a common jury — Mr. Bargrave Deane said this was the petition of Samuel Normanshaw, a farmer, of Shirley, Derbyshire, for a dissolution of his marriage on the grounds of his wife's misconduct with John Measham who was in the employ of the petitioner. There had been a claim for damages, but it had been withdrawn. The parties were married on December 9. 1891. Some time after the marriage the petitioner thought he observed great familiarity between his wife and the co-respondent. Early in the morning of the 8th December last whilst in bed he heard a whistle which he recognised as Measham's, and on looking through the window saw his wife follow Measham into the stable, Petitioner rushed downstairs and caught his wife and Measham in flagrante delicto. He turned his wife out of the place at once, and she had gone to the Workhouse. Evidence having been called, the jury found for the petitioner and his Lordship pronounced decree nisi, with costs and gave the petitioner custody of the child.

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