Shirley Village Archive

Derby Mercury, February 17, 1847

SHIRLEY VICARAGE, NEAR ASHBOURN. MR. HOBSON Respectfully announces to the Public that he has received instructions from the Lord Bishop OF SODOR AND MAN, to DISPOSE OF BY AUCTION, on the Premises at Shirley, near Ashbourn, in the County of Derby, on TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY, the 23rd and 24th days of February, 1847, THE MODERN AND SUBSTANTIAL HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, AND OTHER EFFECTS, COMPRISING mahogany cabinet bookshelves, dining table, handsome side-board, what-not, writing table easy chairs, polished fenders, with fire-irons; elegant blue damask window curtains, rosewood couch, chairs chiffoniers, sofa, tables. rosewood loo table, fine-toned grand piano-forte, by BROADWOOD; upright piano-forte, music waggon, a small cellar consisting of several dozens of fine old port and sherry, and fifty-six bottles of the best French brandy; four-wheeled carriage, patent axles, double-seat, chintz linings, in excellent condition; bedsteads and furniture, mahogany and painted wardrobes, feather beds, hair and wool mattresses, mahogany and oak chests of drawers, dressing tables, wash stands, toilet services, bed room carpeting and drugget, painted press bed and bedding, mahogany supper trays and stands. side-board lamp, shower bathl, slipper bath, excellent brewing vessels and barrels, eight days' clock, small weighing machine and weights, large fastner, lined with tin; a general assortment of kitchen utensils and requisites. The FARMING STOCK and IMPLEMENTS consist of part of a stack of hay and clover, about 5 tons of very superior hay, broad-wheeled cart, with wraithes; narrow-wheeled ditto, with ditto; plough, harrows, wheelbarrows, two sets of gearing, grindstone and frame, water-cart, ladders, rick cloth, quantity of turnips, garden-roller, &c. &c. The Hay to be taken off the Premises. Sale to commence each morning at Eleven o'clock. Descriptive Catalogues may be bad at the Vicarage, or the auctioneer Market place Ashbourn.

"Advertisements & Notices." Derby Mercury 17 Feb. 1847. 19th Century British Newspapers. Web. 25 Apr. 2016. URL Gale Document Number: GALE|BA3200002731