Shirley Village Archive

Derby Mercury, November 6, 1844, Issue 5861.


MR. ROBSON respectfully informs the Public, that he is directed by the Executors of the late Mr. JOSEPH MORLEY, to DISPOSE OF by AUCTION, without reserve, on the Premises, at Shirley, near Ashbourn, in the County of Derby, on MONDAY, the 25th day of November, 1844, the following truly valuable LIVE and DEAD FARMING STOCK, consisting of 16 prime incalf cows, five barren cows, two feeding cows, three incalf twinters, one incalf stirk, six barren stirks, one bull stirk, six cow calves, one bull calf, very superior brown mare, black mare, aged; two fat pigs, four store pigs, 12 geese, five stacks of hay and clover, two stacks of wheat. two stacks of oats. quantity of straw; also the Winter Eating of upwards of 70 Acres of Land, in convenient lots. Sale to commence at Ten o'clock. N.B. The Hay, Straw, &c., to be consumed on the premises. Descriptive Catalogues may be had on the Premises, at Shirley Brook; or of the AUCTIONEER, Market-place, Ashbourn.

"Advertisements & Notices." Derby Mercury 6 Nov. 1844. 19th Century British Newspapers. Web. 25 Apr. 2016. URL Gale Document Number: GALE|BA3202758377