Shirley Village Archive

Derby Mercury, July 24, 1844

DREADFUL ACCIDENT — On Saturday morning last, as the omnibus from Longford was going down the new road, into the town, the breech-band gave way, which caused the horse to go at a tremendous pace, when on reaching near the Cross Keys the bus upset, and falling upon some of the passengers, several were dreadfully bruised, and it is feared, more than one will not survive the accident. Mr. Morley, of Shirley Brook, had his leg broken in two places, and was otherwise severely crushed. He now lies at the Dog and Partridge public house. And no hopes whatever are entertained of his recovery. Miss Morley, of Shirley, is much injured, but she with great care may ultimately recover. Mrs. Hudson, of Mammerton, and Mr. Goodall, of Shirley, escaped with severe bruises, and the driver, Twigge of Longford, was much hurt about the knees; the three latter are out of danger.

"SPECIAL JURORS." Derby Mercury 24 July 1844. 19th Century British Newspapers. Web. 25 Apr. 2016. URL Document Number: GALE|BA3202758057