Shirley Village Archive

Derby Mercury, March 17, 1875

Mr. H. D. HOLYOAK is honoured with instructions from JOHN WRIGHT, Esq., of Osmaston Manor, to SELL by AUCTION, on the above Farm, on THURSDAY, the 18th day of March, 1875, the whole of the valuable LIVE FARMING STOCK on the Yeldersley Farms, comprising 34 choice short-horned incalf heifers, 5 ditto barren ditto, 1 ditto newly-calved ditto, 4 ditto incalf stirks, 1 ditto barren ditto, 2 Alderney cows in-calf to a pure-bred Alderney bull, 40 first class Shropshire ewes inlamb to a valuable pure-bred Lincoln ram, 36 ditto ditto, inlamb to a choice pure-bred Shropshire ram, 83 half bred Shropshire and Lincoln ewe and wether hogs.
P.S.-The Auctioneer particularly calls the attention of farmers, cattle keepers, and others to the above excellent Stock. The heifers and stirks are coloury, full rake of hair, and very promising. The inlamb ewes are of item first-class quality. The hogs are an excellent cross, sound, and part of them fat. Lunch on the table at 10 o'clock. Sale to commence 11 precisely.
Catalogues ready ten days prior to Sale at the AUCTIONEER'S OFFICE, Market-place, Ashbourne

"Advertisements & Notices." Derby Mercury 17 Mar. 1875. 19th Century British Newspapers. Web. 21 Apr. 2016. URL Gale Document Number: GALE|BA3202767435