Shirley Village Archive

Calendar of the Records of the County of Derby

By Rev. J. Charles Cox LL.D., F.S.A. Published by Bemrose on order of the county council.

Calendar of County Bridges

Mentions the bridge at Shirley Common having been built or last repaired in 1831.

Calendar of Deeds

M 39. 10 Januaryy 43 Elizabeth (a.D. 1600, 1601).
Henry Wigley, of Scraptoft, in the county of Leicester, gentleman, and GEORGE and THOMAS Wigley,gentlemen, his brothers, To CHRISTOPHER Pegge, of Shirley, in the county of Derby, yeoman ; and Richard and William Pegge, his sons.
Bargain and sale of closes or pasture grounds called Ludwall Flatts, in the parish of Wirkesworthe (Derby); and of a meadow, called Crabtree Acre, in Wirkesworthe aforesaid, being freehold lands of inheritance ; To hold the third part of the said premises to the said Christopher and his heirs to the use of the said Richard Pegge for his life ; remainder for life to Alice, his wife; remainder to said Richard, in tail ; remainder to said William Pegge, in tail; remainder to said Christopher, in fee; and to hold the remaining two-third parts to the said Christopher and his heirs, to the use of the said Richard Pegge, in tail; remainder to said William Pegge in tail; remainder to said Christopher in fee.

Gamekeepers' Deputations

Mentions Earl Ferrers.