Shirley Village Archive

Domesday Survey

Facsimile of the Domesday entry for Shirley:
"In SHIRLEY Ketil and Wulfmaer, Thorgisl, Alric, Algar, Wulfgeat and Leofsige had 2 carucates of land, less half a bovate, to the geld. [There is] land for 2 ploughs. There are now 2 ploughs in demesne;  and 6 villans  and 7 bordars having 3 ploughs. There is a priest and a church, and 1 mill [rendering] 2s., [and] woodland pasture 1 league long and 1 broad TRE worth 60s,; now 40[s.]."
The bordar or cottager ranked below a serf in the social hierarchy of a manor, holding a cottage, garden and just enough land to feed a family. In England, at the time of the Domesday Survey, this would have comprised between about 1 and 5 acres (see wikipedia).
The oxgang represented the amount of land which could be ploughed using one ox, in a single annual season. Therefore, one eighth of a carucate (see wikipedia).
A medieval unit of land area approximating the land a plough team of eight oxen could till in a single annual season (see wikipedia).
Was all the land which was retained by a lord of the manor for his own use and support, under his own management, as distinguished from land sub-enfeoffed by him to others as sub-tenants (see wikipedia).
The first regular and permanent land tax system was based on a unit of land known as the hide. The hide was originally an amount of land sufficient to support a household, but later became subject to a land tax known as "geld".(see wikipedia).
Tempore Regis Edwardi: at the time of King Edward.